Saturday, April 3, 2010

April Fool's

April Fool's was pretty fun. I will wright a few jokes that went on..

Maria got Adrianna by telling her that Maria can read her fortune through her shoe. After a few minutes we convince Adrianna to give Maria her shoe, Ria pretends she is studying the shoe doing little stuff like turning it and looking at it from all angles, at one point even sniffs the inside of her shoe and making comments like 'hmmm' and 'interesting' or 'mmhhmm' or 'O' and letting her eyes get all wide. It was really funny to see Adrianna's expression when Ria finnaly looks at Adri telling her that she is going to take yet another long trip. With that Ria throws Adri's shoe as far as she can and then runs inside.
Ria got Jake later that night but he was a lot harder to convince after awhile of Ria insisting that she can read fortune's through his shoe I walk away and a few minutes later I see Jake's shoe flying through the air. :)

I guess I got to people Kayla, and my cousin Charity

Kayla I was telling her all day stuff like 'she had it coming' and 'I'm going to get you good' so all day she was looking over her shoulder. The Joke: I wasn't going to do anything.

I called my cousin on Saturday and are conversation went something like this
(C=Charity - S= Shelbi)

S: Guess what Charity!
C: What?
S: Were going out there until you guys move out here!
C: Really! ( getting really excited)
S: Yes!
C: When are you guys leaving!?!
S: We are packing right now as soon as we are done packing we are leaving!
C:Awesome! I'm going to go tell-
S: No you can't tell anybody.
C: Why not?
S: we are making it a surprise.
C: Not even Bobby? Why did you tell me then?
S: Because she isn't gullible like you are April Fool's! Haha (then I hung up on her)

though she calls back a few minutes later saying she can't believe I did that and she forgot it was April Fool's sense she has been busy.


Beth said...

nice post...... i like it! lol

Shelbi said...

ya lol it was funny! :)